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Número Anuncio: 12476819
Anunciante: valentinacantoni
Fecha: 25-01-2024
Categoría:  Animales > Gatos
We have savannah kittens as well as other animals such as serval, ocelot, caracal and caracat available for sale. They are perfect for a family, they adapt to an apartment and a country house. They are sociable, they are the ideal companion for you. They are working cats and will alert you when there is an intruder, they love games, they are a bit like dog cats, because they love cuddles , and have a large size, they are sensitive and attentive, they prefer to be treated like children. They are gentle and obedient, they are easy to care for. they are little affected by health problems. They don't eat a lot, they are very sporty, they will instinctively want to protect you in case of danger. They have a joy of life, are happy by nature, they are less fragile like other cats, are very robust, they are ideal for a family with children and other pets, their looks show you that life is beautiful, they don't need a lot of space, they are not territorial, they love physical activities, they are lively and determined

We have savannah kittens as well as other ani - Imagen 1 We have savannah kittens as well as other ani - Imagen 2 We have savannah kittens as well as other ani - Imagen 3

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